Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Attention Parents!

Dear Parents and Guardians:

          Welcome to a new season of music-making! We have a very busy and exciting year ahead of us. This letter contains information regarding important aspects of our classroom and program. Please carefully read through this letter because there is a great deal of important information enclosed.

Before I give you a short preview of some of the subjects that will be covered during the course of this year, let me first introduce myself. My name is Ms. Emily DiUglio and I will be your child’s General Music and Orchestra teacher.

The music curriculum at Foundation Academy is based upon the New Jersey Standards of Music Education and the National Standards of Music Education which encompasses expectations for student learning and achievement.  Based on these standards your child this year will grow greatly as a musician and student.

This year, general music will also contain a string instrumental based curriculum. This means that every student will be involved in the Foundation Academy Chart School Orchestra. All 6th grade students are expected to performing in the Winter Concert (date TBA) and all 5th and 6th grade will be expected to perform in the Spring Concert (date TBA). Students are to wear white on the top and black on the bottom. No sneakers, jeans, tight pants, or skirts shorter than their knees will be allowed. These performances, along with other performances, will serve as a significant portion of their grade in music, students will be expected to practice for at least 30 minutes every week to ensure that appropriate progress is made when participating in orchestra class. These performances will be much more successful and enjoyable for your student if they have prepared themselves adequately. Each student will be receiving a practice log every week that will need to be signed by a parent to ensure that this routine is being established. If students do not take their instruments home, students are expected to schedule a time with Ms. DiUglio to come in before school, after school, or during lunch to practice.

My expectations for all of the students are the same. They must follow the rules, participation in class, and be consistent with their homework and practice log. I also expect all of my students to follows the school rules and follow the classroom procedures. I want each students to grow into a great musician which will lead to tremendous emotional, personal, and individual growth. I expect my students to demonstrate the CORE values and to represent the Foundation Academy community with great pride.

The grading policy that I will be using in my classroom is as followed:

1.     Test                                                   30%
2.     Performances/Concert/ Jury              20%
3.     Major Assignments/ Projects            20%
4.     Classwork/Participation                             10%
5.     Homework/Practice Logs                            10%
6.     Quizzes                                             10%

My classroom is located on the third floor of the Foundation Academy building off of the commons, entitled the Julliard Room. Feel free to contact me at anytime during the course of the year to discuss any questions that you made have regarding your child’s education.  My contact information at the school is as follows: phone number is (609) 468-1772 which I can be reached at any time until 9 PM and my email address is

In closing, I am very excited about our upcoming year at Foundation Academy Charter School. I look to meeting and communicating with you often regarding your child’s progress. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.

Stay connected with the music program and upcoming event by following us on and twitter!/FACSmusicians.

Ms. Emily Elizabeth DiUglio