Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Foundation Academy Honors Chamber Orchestra

We are proud to announce that Foundation Academy Charter School will be holding auditions for the Honors Chamber Orchestra September 5-9. This orchestra is an auditioned orchestra that is opened to all FACS students in the 7th and 8th grade. We will allow 6th grade student to audition for the Chamber Orchestra at the beginning of the 2nd quarter.
This orchestra will rehearse two Saturdays every month from 9-12 in the commons. This group will have opportunities to perform at off campus venues and within the school at special events. This group will have its own orginal set of music to perform in attention to their grade level music that you will be studying in class.
Auditions will be held before, during, and after school during the week of September 5-9. You must sign up for an audition time and be present during your assigned time. Anyone who misses their audition time must wait for the next audition term to audition. Auditions will be held at the beginning of each quarter.
Audition requirements:
·         Perform 36 measures of any piece of music previously studied
·         Scale-You will be asked to perform two of the following one octave scales; D, G, A, C, F major
·         Sigh read a short piece of music. (This will be given out a week prior to the audition)