Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Musical Treasure Hunt

Treasure Hunt

Treasure Hunt                        
1.       What are the four songs that the 6th grade orchestra is playing? (blog)

2.       Choose one Broadway musical. State what theater does this show take place in? (

3.       What year did Jersey Boys win the Tony for Best Musical? ( Boys/ Overview)

4.       Jersey Boys tells the story of how _____________________________________________________________ went from being unknown New Jersey kids to international pop superstars. ( Boys)
5.       The show wicked follows ____________________________________ star Elphaba from birth to college and through the life-changing events which eventually label her “wicked,” introducing spoiled rich girl Glinda, local prince and heartthrob Fiyero and even the Wizard of Oz himself, a troubled man very unlike the one you may remember. (
6.       The untold musical story of ____________________________________  Wicked Witch of the West and __________________ the Good... before Dorothy dropped in. (

7.       Who is the concertmaster, first chair first violin player, of the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra? ( meet the orchestra)

8.       Who is the principle conduct of the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra?

9.       List two composers and their years from the following countries (, composer by country)
10.   List two instruments from each instrument family. (, Listen, By instrument)

11.   John Williams wrote music for a specific type of music. What did he write music for? Give two examples of his music. ( listen/by composer)

12.   In a modern orchestra seating arrangement, what instruments sit in the back left section of the orchestra? (DSOkids.coms/visit the symphony/ orchestra seating chart)

13.   What instruments sit in the front of the orchestra, closes to the orchestra? Why do you think they sit in the front of the orchestra? (DSOkids.coms/visit the symphony/ orchestra seating chart)

14.   What instrument did Miles Davis play? (Jazz Biography)

15.   Where was Louis Armstrong born? (Jazz Biography)

16.   Name the title of three pieces that Louis Armstrong perform/wrote.
Fill in the blank
17.   They developed many different ways of getting their secret messages across in the lyrics. Slaves also sang soulful songs called "________________" to express their religious beliefs, feelings and desire for freedom. Spirituals and work songs are part of the foundation of the American art form, known as jazz. (PBSkids Jazz/ Timeline/1700)
18.   The African American composer __________________________________ combined European compositional styles with the rhythmic and melodic music that came from the black community. This became known as "___________________." (PBSkids Jazz/ Timeline/1800)
19.   African American musicians merged European traditions with the blues, ragtime, marching band music and many other elements to create a new style of music known as "______________________." (PBSkids Jazz/ Timeline/1800)
20.   During 1939-1945, many jazz musicians were drafted to fight in ____________________. Big dance bands had difficulties finding musicians.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Central NJ Honors Elementary Orchestra

Congratulation to the 8 students who have been selected to participate in the 2011 Central New Jersey Orchestra. More photos and videos will follow but please listen to the music clips that you can find on these websites to help learn the musical pieces.

Jamacian Spice

Cripple Creek

Entry of the Tumblers -"listen to the music"

Saturday, March 26, 2011

City Hall

Check out the article on the concert!

Last night, March 25, 2011, the Choir and 25 students from the 7th and 8th grade Orchestra performed a beautiful concert at City Hall. The concert feature wonderful songs such as Walking on Sunshine, I Gotta Feel, and OMG.
Great job musicians!!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Dear Foundation Academy Parents/Guardians:

I am excited to announce that the Choir and String Orchestra have been asked to perform at City Hall on Friday March 25, 2011 at 7:00 PM. Students are expected to wear the traditional concert attire of black on the bottom white on the top.

Listed below are the additional and future choir rehearsals that will be taken place in preparation for the concert:
  • Tuesday March 15 (4-5)
  • Wednesday March 16 (4-5)
  • Friday March 18 (4-4:45)
  • Tuesday March 22 (4-5)
  • Wednesday March 23 (4-5:30) students need to be picked up from City Hall
  • Friday March 25 (4- end of concert) students need to be picked up from City Hall, dinner provided

We do need parent assistance in transporting students from Foundation Academy to City hall both Wednesday March 23 and Friday March 25.

Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to seeing you next Friday March 25, 2011, for our First Concert at City Hall!

Choir, please listen to and practice the following pieces for the concert:

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Composer Project

Due date for the composer project is Thursday March 17. Listening and analyzing the composer's music must take place outside of the classroom! Sign up for lunch work time to listen and work on this project.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Composer Concert Project

Both the 5th and 6th grade students are given a new project to demonstrate their knowledge of and dedication to music and the composers that they are studying. This is a tier project so that students can chose their own grade.

5th grade choose from Bach, Mozart, and Beethoven
6th grade choose from Berlin, Gershwin, and Bernstein

Tier 1- everyone must complete an Advertisement/essay. The requirements are listed below. If you choose to complete ONLY tier 1, the highest grade you can receive is a B.

Tier 2- To potentially earn an A-, you are to complete the essay and create a poster using the requirements listed below.

Tier 3- To potentially earn an A, you are to complete the essay, poster, and present your findings to the class by writing an oral presentation and answering questions from the teacher and students.

You are to create a poster that is an advertisement to come see Berlin, Gershwin, or Bernstein perform a concert of their greatest hits.
The poster must include:
·         When the performance will be taking place.
·         Where the performance will be taking place
·         The title of the pieces that will be performed (each poster must have at least 3 pieces which will be included in the concert)
·         The instruments and/or singers who will be performing the pieces of music
·         A brief description of the composer/ 4 facts
·         A picture of the composer (optional)

You are to write a radio advertisement to advertise for your composer’s concert. Your advertisement must include all information that is posted on your concert poster plus, a brief description of each piece that will be performed, and original slogan to will conviction patrons to spend their money to come and hear this concert. When describing each piece of music, you must describe the mood, tempo, and dynamics of the piece. This advertisement must be written out and presented along with the poster. 

You are to present your poster and facts to the class. During this time you will read your advertisement to the class and explain to the class the concert and describe the music that you have chosen. You are also to be ready to answer any questions that the class and/or Ms DiUglio has in regards to your poster and/or presentation.

 Use the Links (posted on the left) to help you find and research information about each composer and their musical pieces.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Voilin and Viola players! Bow hand exercises

Voilin and Viola players, check out this website to see tips and suggustions on a good bow hand!

Spring Concert reportior for the 6th grade!

Its official! We have decided on all of the Spring Concert reportior for the 6th grade. Keep practicing! Please ask your child or students ask you parents to perform some of that music you have been working on so hard.

*Jamician Spice
Go to these websited to "listen" and hear a recording of each piece to help you practice and learn your music.